We can save you time and money for a second living unit on your property!
We offer Standard ADU Plans, so you can pay a fraction of the cost of conventional design services
AND save time during the building permit review process.
Visit the City of Bakersfield’s ADU page for additional information
2-Bed | 1-Bath | 716 SF
3-Bed | 2-Bath | 1,131 SF
Building a second unit on your property has never been easier!
Standard ADU Plans are the best way to plan for a second living unit on your property, known as Accessory Dwelling Unit or “ADU”
Learn About the Standard ADU Process
The Standard ADU process allows YOU, the homeowner, to use reduced-cost plans for an ADU (pre-reviewed building plan pending site-specific requirements), saving you both time AND money and making the Building Permit process simpler, so you can start earning rental income from your second unit OR be able to have your loved ones live close to you!
The Standard ADU process will assist you in obtaining a Building Permit for your ADU in the following manner:
- Though you still need to obtain Site Plan Review approval, the Standard ADU process will eliminate the brunt of the Building Department Review.
- The process will not only be simpler, but it will also be significantly faster—since the Building Department Review will be all but eliminated.
- The cost of the design process will be significantly reduced—you’ll save as much as 90% of the cost of plans created through the conventional design process.
The Standard ADU Plan Approval Process is used to streamline the building permit review process.
The Design Professional submits the plans to the Building Department for review of general building systems (electrical, fire prevention, structural, etc.). After a thorough review, the plans are considered “pre-reviewed building plans pending site-specific requirements” (also known as “Standard ADU Plans”) The Design Professional sells individual licenses for the plans to interested Property Owners to obtain a Building Permit for a particular site.
The Property Owner will only need to provide a Site Plan with information specific to their property and submit the plans to the Building Department for Review.
Alternatively, the Owner can hire a design professional (often the professional who prepared the Standard ADU Plans) to assist with the process. Because the plans are considered “pre-reviewed building plans pending site-specific requirements”, Building Permit approval can be readily expected.
Be sure to cover all your bases by following the necessary steps under “pick your plan” and “do your homework” recommendations to ensure your project is a success during planning as well as construction.
Pick your plan…
Select a Standard ADU set of plans which best fits your needs and budget.
Consider the following:
- What amenities do you expect in your desired ADU?: How many bedrooms/ bathrooms? Include a patio? Favor an open plan? Prefer all electric appliances?
- Ensure the plans include all systems you will require: electrical/mechanical / plumbing, solar system calculations, residential fire sprinkler system calculations, truss/roof framing calculations, and energy calculations. Licensed Architect Plans include all systems and calculations mentioned above.
- Cost of design, permitting, construction: cost of license to use Standard ADU Plans, cost for assistance in preparing a Site Plan (if applicable), permit fees, applicable taxes, potential cost to construct the ADU, charges to add utility connections, etc.
Do your homework…
Contact the regulatory agencies with the jurisdiction of your property (Building, Planning, Fire, Health, etc.) for guidance to ensure your proposed ADU will comply with all applicable codes and regulations. Licensed Architect Standard Plans are considered “pre-reviewed building plans pending site-specific requirements” by the City of Bakersfield Building and Fire Departments.
- Measure your property lines and distances to other structures to ensure your property can accommodate the size and layout of the Standard ADU.
- Contact the utility providers serving your property (electrical power, natural gas, water, sewer, etc.) to make sure adequate connections are available or can be procured.
Building an ADU can be daunting – Standard ADU Plans make it SIMPLER!
Visit the City of Bakersfield’s ADU page for additional information